Embark on a unique journey to Rainbow Mountain and discover a surreal landscape that will leave you breathless for an entire day. This tour is a gateway to a world of geological wonders that seem to be taken from a dream.

From the beginning of your journey, you will be led through the stunning landscapes of the Sacred Valley, giving you a preview of the natural beauty that awaits you. As you ascend through winding paths, excitement will build up in anticipation of what is to come.

Upon reaching Rainbow Mountain, you will be greeted with a spectacle of vibrant colors adorning the mountain’s surface, creating a landscape so unique that it resembles a petrified rainbow. Each hue represents different minerals and compounds that have left their mark over the centuries.

Immerse yourself in the mystical atmosphere of this sacred place as you explore the trails that lead you to the heights. From the summit, you will be rewarded with panoramic views spanning valleys, snow-capped peaks, and the endless sky, creating an unforgettable canvas.

Our expert guides will provide you with fascinating information about the geology and cultural history of Rainbow Mountain, giving you a deeper understanding of this unique natural phenomenon in the world.



The Rainbow Mountain or Vinicunca is a colorful mountain in the Andes of Cusco, Peru.

In summary, the colors seen are formed from sedimentary mineral layers in the mountain that were exposed by erosion. The road to the Rainbow Mountain is a 3-hour drive from Cusco. Travel through wild landscapes, deserts, snow-capped peaks, herds of camelids, and reach the destination at the end of the Rainbow Mountain, Peru’s Rainbow Mountain is hidden in the Andes.

Along the way, you will pass through a green valley with views of the imposing Ausangate. You will have direct contact with the people living in the mountains. Vinicunca, also known as Peru’s Rainbow Mountain, is located three and a half hours from the city of Cusco by transportation. Situated in the Andes, the seven-colored mountain is known for its natural and multicolored beauty caused by mineral sediments and the region’s atmosphere. It was recently discovered and is quickly becoming one of South America’s must-visit places. The mountain’s colorfulness is stunning and can be seen in the Ausangate mountain range.

The color tones are bright and are part of the Andean routine, whether in typical dishes, crafts, local clothing, on the streets, or even in the enigmatic rainbows that occasionally appear in the skies and valleys. However, nothing compares to one of the most beautiful works of art that nature has reserved for the country: Peru’s fantastic colored mountains.

Research shows that Peru’s colorful mountains were formed by an accumulation of marine, river, and lacustrine sediments millions and millions of years ago when the entire region was submerged by the sea. These sediments rested on the ground, forming different layers with “stripes” of different colors.

With the movement of tectonic plates, this region rose to build Peru’s current “rainbow” mountains, and time and erosion allowed these minerals to oxidize, giving the hills even greater clarity and more striking tones.

To better understand these unique geological formations in Peru, we have highlighted below some basic compositions that give color to the mountains:

White – sandstone and limestone

Pink – mix of red clay, mud, and sand.

Lilac – mix of clay with calcium carbonate and silicates.

Brown and gold – limestone, sandstone, and sulfurous minerals.

Green – clay rich in ferromagnetic minerals and copper oxide.


The Red Valley is located just a 15-minute walk from the Seven Colors Mountain in the Pitumarca district, Canchis.

The Red Valley is within a chain of gorges and mountains that are completely reddish, as it is a product of the existing mineral composition in the area.

  • Our hotel pick-up starts between 4:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
    We head out with our tourist transportation towards the CUSIPATA community via paved road for approximately 2 and a half hours. We will have our breakfast there.
    We continue along the Cusi pata branch for about 30 minutes until we reach the CHILLIHUANI village, passing through picturesque places like TINTINKO, TIGRE RIVER, and observing the Surinan Mountain in the LLACTO sector.
    Next, we pass through the CUSIPATA Municipality control, where you can appreciate the flora and fauna in their natural habitat (llamas, alpacas, vicuñas, etc.). We will continue our journey along a dirt road for about 20 minutes until we reach the starting point of our hike.
    Once ready, we begin our adventure towards the Rainbow Mountain for approximately 1 and a half hours, where we can appreciate panoramic views such as the Red Valley and Mountains with the Ausangate Snowy Peak and small lagoons.
    Finally, we will be able to appreciate and take photos of the Rainbow Mountain.
    Then we will start to descend back to our starting point for approximately 1 and a half hours. Our transportation will be waiting for us there.
    We will then return by transport until we reach the Cusi pata community where we will enjoy a buffet lunch and then return to Cusco for about 2 hours. We will arrive between 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm approximately.
– Rain jacket or poncho
– Coat
– Sunscreen
– Hat
– Sunglasses
– Walking shoes
– Water bottle
– Camera
– Personal medications suggested by your doctor
– Important documents to carry with you
– If you are a student, carry your original student ID.


– Hotel pickup and drop-off
– Breakfast/Lunch buffet
– Professional guide
– Entrance to the Rainbow Mountain
– Trekking poles
– Blankets
– Oxygen and first aid kit


– Dehydrating drinks during the journey
– Rain poncho

$30.00 USD per person